Tag Archives: love

Ninja Mom reflects on suffering





One of the life-altering things I experienced upon having a child was getting the first real inkling of the meaning of unconditional love.  Once I had children of my own, the loving words of God as Father took on a whole new dimension.

Something similar happened with my understanding of suffering.  Every time one of my children suffers, even a small pain, I suffer with him.  But even so I do things for my children which cause them suffering, when those things are for their good.

I spend much time worrying about suffering, avoiding suffering, and trying to escape suffering when it comes.  And sometimes, like my baby in the story above, I think about suffering and wonder, “Don’t you love me?”  But I know that He does.

Draw my heart

Draw my heart, O Holy Spirit, draw my heart

Suppose the Holy Spirit did draw my heart – with a pencil and paper that is – what would it look like?  I have a suspicion that it would be something like the Grinch’s heart, several sizes too small.

This is a sketch of Fra Angelico's Holy Spirit in the form of a dove from the Tabernacle of the Linemen.  Want to give yourself a great gift?  Set aside some time and sit down with a book of Fra Angelico's paintings.  Don't read any text, just look and look and look.

This is a sketch of Fra Angelico’s Holy Spirit in the form of a dove from the Tabernacle of the Linemen. Want to give yourself a great gift? Set aside some time and sit down with a book of Fra Angelico’s paintings. Don’t read any text, just look and look and look.

Maybe the Holy Spirit can draw our hearts the way they are supposed to look, then draw them closer to be transformed.